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Boo's Flash: Episode 2 - Worms

April 24, 2024

From Boo

Hi there, it's Boo again. Mommy O has been talking about <whispers> worms again. Gross. Nobody wants to think about them. Talk about a party foul! But I guess it isn't all bad, because she gave us all our Special Treats a couple days ago. They're pretty yummy, and we all got dinner at the same time too. I like dinner!! 

I heard her say the Special Treats will keep us from getting a bunch of different types of worms. Sometimes she talks to Pink Hair Boy about big words because he's going to go away to college and learn about medicines and stuff, so he's all interested. She told Pink Hair Boy that she's worried most people don't really know what worms are. I've never seen one, but all my friends talk about them being gross, so they must be bad. And apparently, all dogs and cats can get them no matter where they live, so all of us should get Special Treats or maybe drippy drops on the neck so they don't make us sick.

The weird thing about worms is that they can make us really really sick and we may not ever see them. Hookworms and whipworms live inside us in our guts - that's part of our tum-tum - and suck our blood so we get all tired and blah feeling. Roundworms live there too, but sometimes a roundworm escapes out with a poo poo then everyone can see you have worms!! Gross. But they usually hide inside us too. Mommy O told Pink Hair Boy that they have to mix a little bit of poo poo with a special salt water, then use a microscope to find the worm eggs because the adult worms hide inside us most of the time. Except for tapeworms. The grown up tapeworm stays inside, but they drop little pieces off that can get stuck in the fur under our tails, or they end up on the outside of poo poo. Mostly tapeworms don't make us feel a lot yucky, but they are kinda itchy if the little pieces get stuck coming out. 

Super disgusting. Even worse - we can catch most of these worms just by walking where another animal did a poo poo years ago. Except tapeworms - did you know that most of us get tapeworms from eating fleas? I hate fleas. Mommy O said one of my Special Treats was to keep me from getting fleas too.

But do you want to hear the worst? There are worms that don't even show up in poo poo ever. And we can catch them when mosquitoes bite us. Those Extra Bad worms are called heartworms. They make our hearts really sick, and I heard that some dogs and cats die from them. That makes me sad. I don't want to be sad. I think I want to go bark-wrestle with Djinn to cheer myself up. I'm going to make Mommy O finish this.

And now from Dr. O

Dr. O again. I may have to rethink letting Boo write this column if she keeps quitting before it's done.

Her Special Treats are heartworm preventatives and oral flea/tick medicine. As she explained - heartworms live in the heart and blood vessels, and can cause death by heart failure in dogs. Heartworm disease in cats is a little different. Maybe I'll get one of my cats to make a guest appearance to explain that in another post.

The cool thing about Sentinel Spectrum, which is the heartworm preventative that we carry, is that in addition to killing heartworms before they can cause heart failure, they also deworm for roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. I think this causes confusion for some people, because you literally cannot see heartworms unless you dissect the heart of an infected dog. The worms you see in stool are almost always roundworms or tapeworm segments. And you don't even always see those even if they're infected. 

It's important to have your pets tested for parasites once or twice a year, and use preventatives as directed. Some of these worms can also infect people, so controlling parasites in your pets can help keep your whole family safer.

At Dublin Animal Hospital, it's easy to request a refill of your pet's medication to be picked up right at our location, or you can order from our online pharmacy to be delivered to your home! 

-Dr. O

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